Are you having a blog and having a tough time maintaining it alone? Do you want to add more authors to your Blogger blog so that you can get a helping hand in your work? If that's what your looking for then your are in the right place. In this article i'll show you exactly the steps to be followed in order to get multiple authors to your Blogger blog.
There is one prerequisite that you need to have and that is the email ID of the person whom you want to invite as a author to your blog. With that known, let's jump right into inviting people to write in your blog.
1. Open and login with your Google account.
2. Select the blog that you want to add multiple authors to.
3. In the Blogger Dashboard of that blog, go to Settings.
4. Under Settings tab you will find Basic, select it.
5. Now, under Permissions you will find Blog Authors.
6. Click on Add Authors as shown in the picture below.
7. Enter the Email ID/s of the people whom you want to invite to write in your blog.
8. Now click on Invite authors.
That's it! The Email ID/s that you have entered will be sent a mail from Blogger sending them an invitation to contribute to your blog, If they accept that request they will become a part of your blog as a author. There is also an option of promoting these authors as Admin also. This option can be found under the same Blog Authors tab.
If you have any questions related to blogging, making money online, YouTube, then comment your questions down below and i will get back to you.
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